Friday, November 23, 2007


For those who know of our terrible, terrible luck with parking tickets, we thought you’d get a kick of out this. Apparently we neglected to pay our 15 cent parking fee last week when shopping downtown. There is a pay for parking system with attendants who collect fees when you return to your car. Sometimes, they aren’t there though and we didn’t realize it was our responsibility to track them down and pay our 15 cents. Of course, we tend to stand out here and as a result, no parking infraction goes unnoticed. So, yesterday when Ben went shopping for some Thanksgiving wine he found our car was booted. Yep, apparently they have 1 car boot in all of Mbarara and it’s reserved for us. We aren’t thrilled about the $12 fine but we can’t help but laugh at how our Berkeley parking karma has followed us all the way to Uganda.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I've been BOOTED! Twas in Denver Colorado the winter of '70. I was taking a class at Metro State College (an English class that I'd put off forever). To my horror, my sweet litte VW Beetle was firmly attached to the pavement--very stressful at the time. They called it the Denver Boot as they were so fond of using it--kept us rascally college kids from spending all our money on books. Thank you for airing this topic and thur removing the BOOT SHAME. Jenny