Monday, June 10, 2013

Climbing Mt. Kenya

I had a great trip up Mt. Kenya this past week.  As part of my online scrapbooking, I've added some photos here:

Day 1: Walk in to the first camp site.  Feeling pretty good.

Day 2: Longer walk to the second camp site.

 Rock Hyrax - pretty much the only animals you see once you get at serious elevation.
Made it to the second camp site

Day 3: Day of "rest" to acclimatize.  Nice hike up to the ridge and back

Day 4: Big day.  Ready for our climb at 3am.

We made it to the top.  Very, very cold.

Did I mention the cold?

Heading back down

Beautiful walk through Chogoria Valley

Day 5: Thanks to the team as we head out.

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