We've always been intrigued by the numerous burger joints along San Pablo Ave. Not the McDonald's, Burger Kings, etc... but rather the more obscure ones that have survived in spite of the influx of the typical franchise chains. So, we've decided to go ahead and try them and rate them for future reference. Tuesdays have been chosen as "San Pablo burger review night". Our goal is to try all of the burger joints on San Pablo Ave between the Richmond and Oakland borders. Once we accomplish this laudable goal, we may extend further down the avenue -- or we may go on a diet.
Here's the rating system for the burgers and accompaniments (fries, etc...) :
* = gut bomb
** = blah, not impressed
*** = pretty good
**** = very good
***** = amazing!
Our first review (4/22/08)
Al's Big Burger
This was a good place to start as it is much less scary than some of the other places we plan to get to. The burger was actually quite tasty with yummy grilled onions and crisp lettuce. While the fries were just ok, the fried zucchini with ranch was great.
Burger = ****
Accompaniments = ***
While this burger joint is more mainstream than the others on the list, we felt it merited inclusion. As with last week, not a bad burger at all for this type of place- tasty lettuce and lots of mayo. In my opinion, though, it wasn't as good as Al's and I thought the fries were not very good. It could have been just a so-so batch because our neighbors who came with us seemed to get better ones.
Burger = ***1/2
Accompaniments = **
Reviews to come: Nibs, The Red Onion, Nation's, and more....
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