Here's a recent picture of us at Aberdare National Park. We spent a night there this past weekend. Beautiful and I just love seeing the elephants wander out of the brush on the mountainside. Also, it was COLD, which put me in the holiday mood. While Thanksgiving makes me a tad homesick for family/friends, I am enjoying the Christmas season in Nairobi.
I like Christmas like anyone else but get worn out by it back in the US -- it's just too much -- (too long, too many parties, too much shopping, too many desserts, etc...). Here it seems a bit more contained. So far, we are able to limit the gifts (3 per kid) and if I feel like a holiday dessert, I make one instead of a sea of them foisted upon me --- granted, I always oblige because I love sweets, but regret the stomach aches after. Right now the girls and I are into singing carols, decorating, and making wrapping paper per Santa's request.