So, I've been a negligent blogger, and just as our life gets a bit interesting.
We're doing well here in Nairobi. I have been distracted by having to relearn simple things in life -- how to use a parking meter, how to use the clothes dryer, etc.... A quick update, we have hired two women -- one to help with the kids and housekeeping and one as a driver. So far, all is going reasonably well. We are also gradually acquiring furniture, wall hangings, curtains, etc.. so our place is feeling more and more like a real home and less like an abandoned warehouse. On the weekends, we've taken little excursions... seeing an elephant orphanage, a ride through the Nairobi National Park, a walk in the Ngong hills, and lots and lots of malls. I guess it's a mall culture here and I'll learn to adapt.
In the meantime, the kids keep growing, changing, and making me laugh. Ani is starting out at a preschool on Monday, which is a relief because we are running out of activities to keep that mind busy. Like most kids her age, it's one activity after another and thank heavens I stocked a good art box and extra toys for our first couple of months here. Leena has started solids and sitting up for short periods of time. She's a sweet baby with her own unique characteristics. The girl loves toes, -- hers, mine, Ani's, you name it. Here's an amusing video: