Since I use this blog is an electronic album/scrapbook, I thought I'd post this photo of Ani on election night 2008 to commemorate the occasion. It's startling to me that when Obama declared his candidacy for this election, Ani couldn't even sit up yet -- let alone crawl, walk, talk..
As most of you know, Ben and I follow politics fairly closely and it is a regular conversation topic so it's probably not that surprising that Ani picked up on it. As we watched the debates over the last couple of months, she would point to the TV screen and yell out "Obana" and "John MonJain". She didn't have an allegiance to one candidate, sometimes asserting "I want Obana!" and other times "I want John MonJain!". We were highly amused by this and feel we'll wait until she's 3 or 4 before we try to brainwash her into our left-leaning belief system ;)
Ani had a hard time settling down last night and it was after the election was called that she finally fell asleep. I told her that Obama won the election. She answered "John MonJain?" I told her that he'll still be in the Senate and that seemed to assuage her concerns as she drifted off to sleep.