We're experimenting with temporary tattoos here at the Bellweather household. I (Nicole) am not sure if it is a lame attempt to recapture my youth or if 7+ years in Berkeley is taking it's toll, but I really want a tattoo. I just can't commit to anything long term. I've gotten Ani in on the fun and she loves animal tattoos. For awhile, I was putting them on her belly because it's a nice broad surface area and it's kind of funny. Unfortunately, Ani now greets every person she sees (friends and strangers, alike) by lifting up her shirt to show them her tattoo of the day. Hmmm...I might be instilling bad habits here ;) We've shifted to forearm tattoos for the time being, but here's an amusing picture of Ani. She's about as Berkeley as a kid can get with the crocheted skull cap and legwarmers on her arms.