Sunday marked the conclusion of the Coast Guard festival here in Grand Haven. Why in the world is this town deemed Coast Guard City USA, you might ask? Good question. I mean, aside from beer-crazed Wisconsonians and a few Canadian gypsies who have lost their way, there really isn't a pressing need to guard the coast of Western Michigan. Outside of one week in late July, I don't recall much of a Coast Guard presence either. The best I can figure is that there is a coast guard station in town and with all the local fruits and vegetables already taken for annual festivals, they thought they'd just elevate the coast guard station to festival status.
It doesn't have to be logical, though, to be a good time. We soaked up a lot of Americana during Coast Guard Week. Daily strolling through the carnival, nibbling on elephant ears and cotton candy, browsing the arts and crafts fair, watching all the local festival queens and marching bands pass at the parade, and concluding with a dramatic fireworks display.
The parade, in particular, cracked me up. All those poor high school students marching in 90 degree heat dressed from head to toe in polyester and heavy shoulder pads. Then there was the young hunters club decked out in camouflage, followed by people tossing squirt guns to the crowd. The sheer volume of flags was the most striking thing to me. Every time another one came into view-- the entire crowd would rise to their feet. I feel like I soaked up enough mid-western patriotism to get me through another 5 years in Berkeley ;)