We've been having such a pleasant summer that I've forgotten to take pictures and write things down. Here's an update.
In late June we flew to Louisville, Kentucky for the fabulous wedding of Nate and Melissa Bellows (Ben's brother). It was a fantastic family occasion and I've attached some photos sent on by the newlyweds.
After the wedding we rode to Michigan and stayed on the farm for a few nights and enjoyed more family time and pleasant countryside. We criss-crossed the state making other visits and Ben left for his trip in Uganda July 8th. Ani and I returned to West Michigan, where we've been enjoying beautiful weather, daily trips to the ice cream parlor, and visits with old friends.
It's always nice to spend some time in West Michigan -- such a startling departure from our beloved Berkeley that I think it brings me some needed perspective. Today, for example, in the neighborhood we saw a man driving a motorcycle. He didn't have a helmet, but he did have a 6 month old strapped to him in a Baby Bjorn (of course, no helmet for baby either). When he saw us (myself, sister, and brother in law) staring in disbelief he said to us..."Gotta start em' young." Now in Berkeley, one is required to get outraged by such an action, but here, naw. It's summer. Have some fun, take some risks, enjoy!