Monday, October 16, 2006

Family Reunion

Ani completed her first major roadtrip this weekend to Arizona for a Bellows mini-reunion. Grandpa Greg came out from Michigan and braved the roadtrip with us.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Visit from Jean, Brian, and Domi!

Aunt Jean, Uncle Brian, and Cousin Dominick came to visit for a nice long weekend. Dominick (10 months) showed Ani the ropes on what it means to be a fun baby - although Ani slept through many of his lessons.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Cousins out for fish and chips

Last weekend two generations of cousins got together at an English pub in Kensington (California). I'm told on the greatest authority that this fine English establishment could not in fact be truly English with its loud Kids Corner parked right under the dart boards. Regardless of single regulars' opinions (read reviews), area families pop in with kids in tow for a cold pint or two every evening. Nevertheless, cousins and spouses and friends had a great time - even Ani was awake for a while.

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Monday, October 02, 2006

Ani Protests!

While it may only sound like regular old baby cries, we think that Ani is adapting to her Berkeley environment and protesting the world's ills - war, poverty, environmental damage, etc...