Thanks to everyone for the sweet responses. We're doing well so far. Here another photo of Ani and some answers to frequently asked questions:
Where did you get "Annice"? Annice (pronounced "a niece") was the name of Nicole's great grandmother which is as far back in Ani's maternal line as we can go so far.
How was the labor? Well, no picnic, but I'll count myself lucky. I managed to avoid the epidural but did partake of some wonderful narcotics (fentanyl) that gave me a nice break between 6-8 centimeters. Good stuff, especially after 9 months of not drinking!
Do you want visitors? Sure! We're not planning on going anywhere besides an occasional walk and trip the grocery store for a while, so feel free to come on by, if you're inclined. As fair warning, though, you should be prepared to see a messy apartment and probably Nicole's breasts ;). We're getting a handle on the breast feeding but haven't advanced to the skill level of "discreet" quite yet.
More photos? The hospital took some cute photos. You can see them here:
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